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Culture and Behaviour

Culture is like an invisible “web” of taken-for-granted norms, social rules, assumptions, behaviours, power dynamics and actions.  It is transmitted and upheld in the profoundly normal, everyday interactions, stories and conversations. It is incredibly difficult to shift in any kind of deliberate way from the inside alone, as it is hard to challenge and up-end the rules of the “club” of which you are, yourself, a member.  Yet it is also impossible to change purely from the “outside” – it would be like paying someone ELSE to go the gym FOR you, in order to get fit! 

So we come into the work alongside the people who have to live and breathe the culture, dancing on the limits of inclusion and exclusion, alignment and difference, support and challenge – which enables new experiments and patterns of behaviour to develop and be grown virally into more sustained change.

  • We train, develop, support and supervise internal change using a combination of viral, dialogic and appreciative (generative) methods
  • We specialise in bringing deep congruence between the nature of the culture being sought, and the methodologies used to stimulate and evolve it
  • We design and facilitate workshops, large scale conferences and summits in order to inspire and amplify positive change
  • We advise on design of social and structural processes to bring them into greater congruence with the culture being developed.

Take a look at one of our large scale culture projects with Siemens.